Sunday, November 28, 2010

Learning more about bilingual children

These are some web sites where you can find more information:

 Sites about bilingualism:
 Bilingual Parenting in a foreign language For parents interested in raising their children in a foreign language (non-native language to both parents).
Bilingual upbringing of children in the home The topic of this website is not just about raising children bilingually, but focuses on bilingual parenting in a foreign language, i.e. parents who are not native speakers.  

Perents helping parents:
Bilingual families connect where you can find tips and advice from other parents who are raising bilingual children.  
 Bilingual families Perth this web network connects around 400 families and individuals from more than 40 language backgrounds

Songs and games:
Circletime kids  a free multicultural World Library of bilingual children's resources.

Juegos y Canciones para Niños. Spanish games and songs for children. Most of the songs included come from a CD called Naranja Dulce: Juegos Infantiles Compañia Infantil de Televicentro de Armando Torres. The CD is published by BMG in Mexico.

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